Origin Story
The Monstera Deliciosa, also called the swiss-cheese plant named after its holy, fenestrated leaves, is one of 59 species in the Monstera genus. Its botanical name translates to 'Delicious Monster' aptly named due to its large, abnormal shaped leaves and the sweet tropical, cone-shaped fruit it bears. Monstera's can be found in humid tropical forests, where they germinate in the lower canopy growing off other plants and extending their aerial roots upwards to grow towards the light which helps them to compete with other sun-starved plants.
Is a Monstera Plant easy to care for?
Monstera plant care is straightforward, and will reward you with plenty of new growth when given the right conditions! If you pay attention to your plant, it will tell you when it's thirsty with its droopy sad leaves. With the right lighting conditions and moderate watering you will be rewarded with plentiful jungle-like growth!
What type of sunlight does a Monstera require?
Your Monstera will be happiest when it is receiving bright sun, but not direct. If the sun is shining directly on your plant, it may scorch its foliage, leaving you with unsightly black spots. Near an East or South facing window would be ideal! If your Monstera's new leaves aren't splitting, this could be a sign that it needs more sunlight. During growing months in Spring and Summer, you should see regular new growth, these plants really grow! If you're noticing little new growth, your Monstera likely needs some more rays!
How much watering is expected of a Monstera?
Over-watering is a common foe for new plant owners. This can result in yellowing leaves, root rot or fungal issues. Your Monstera's soil likes to be kept moderately moist. This means when the top 2-3" of the soil feels dry, it's likely ready for a drink. Watering frequency varies depending on lighting conditions, humidity levels and the season. If you're unsure, stick your finger in the soil, if the top few inches are dry it's ready for some water. If you've waited too long to water, your plant may display some tell-tale signs like limp stems and curling leaves, in most cases it should perk back up with a thorough soak.
Does a Monstera need humidity?
In nature Monstera's are found in humid, tropical forests. Though your Monstera will appreciate humidity, these conditions do not need to be directly mimicked to have a healthy Monstera grown indoors. In Winter the humidity in your home will drop. Some signs your Monstrera is lacking humidity are crispy brown edges, or yellowing curled leaves. To up your humidity levels you could mist your Monstera or place a humidifier close by. If you have a sunny sill in your bathroom, your Monstera will appreciate the extra steam from a hot shower.

Can I bring my Monstera outside?
Absolutely! Your Monstera will thrive outdoors when acclimatized properly. It's important to do this slowly so your plant isn't shocked by the brighter outdoor conditions, which could result in sun-burned foliage. In Canada, it is important that temperatures are consistently above 15° when bringing your plant outdoors. Place your plant under a covered porch or a shady tree, it will still receive plenty of bright indirect light, similar to being in a forested canopy in nature. When bringing your plant indoors after its Summer vacation, be sure to give it once over for any pests it may have picked up.
Are Monsteras safe for pets?
Monstera sap contains oxalate crystals which if ingested will irritate your dog's mouth, throat, and stomach.