Potted Dieffenbachia the perfect gift from Foli

Tips to love and care for your Dieffenbachia

Origin Story

This plant is commonly known as the Leopard Lily or Dumb Cane, named after the distinctive striped pattern adorning its Dieffenbachia leaves. Originating from Mexico and spanning across the West Indies to Argentina, this tropical beauty not only boasts striking foliage but also acts as a natural air purifier, making it an excellent choice for enhancing indoor air quality. Embracing its reputation for warding off negative energy, this plant contributes to a positive atmosphere in your living space. 


Dieffenbachia's lush green foliage embodies the Wood element. You can complement this energy by incorporating other Wood element colors like brown and green in the room's decor, consider one of Foli’s plant stand to check this off your list!

Is a Dieffenbachia an easy houseplant to care for?

Dieffenbachia, is known for their low-maintenance nature and ability to thrive in any home, making an ideal selection for new or busy plant parents. With its easy-going nature, Dieffenbachias require minimal care and can swiftly recover from both overwatering and underwatering mishaps, bouncing back once you resume proper care.

What type of sunlight does a Dieffenbachia require? 

Dieffenbachias flourish in bright, indirect light during the summer and prefer bright light in the winter. 


How much watering is expected for a Dieffenbachia? 

Dieffenbachias thrive with regular watering during their growing seasons: Spring, Summer, and Fall. However, it's essential to refrain from watering regularly during the Winter months. You can easily tell when it's thirsty as the leaves will begin to droop, indicating the need for water. Always check the soil moisture level before watering, ensuring the top 2 inches of the soil are dry before giving them a drink of water.One of the most common causes of yellowing leaves in Dieffenbachia is overwatering. If the plant's roots are consistently sitting in waterlogged soil, it can lead to root rot, which in turn affects the plant's ability to take up water and nutrients, resulting in yellowing leaves. Get your hands dirty, stick your finger in the soil and if the soil is dry then it's ready for some H20!

Does a Dieffenbachia need humidity?

Dieffenbachias love the warmth. Due to the fact that they originate from warmer climates, they enjoy high humidity levels. Misting their leaves or leaving it in a bathroom is a great way to achieve high humidity

Can I put my Dieffenbachia outside? 

Yes! Dieffenbachias thrive when placed outdoors in a shaded area, away from direct sunlight. Excessive sun exposure can cause their large leaves to scorch and wither. If you decide to take your Dieffenbachia to the great outdoors, make sure you keep an eye on the temperature, as they are sensitive to chilly air touching their leaves.


Are Dieffenbachias safe for pets?

If one of your furry friends tends to get into things, Dieffenbachias are not the plant for you. The plant contains a toxin called calcium oxalate crystals. If ingested, it can cause swelling of the mouth and if swallowed it can also lead to stomach irritation. If you come in contact with any of the sap from the Dieffenbachia, wash your hand immediately!

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